How It Works

For Importers


The first step, for both importers and exporters, is to sign up by filling your basic personal and company details on our website. A verification link will be sent to your email when you submit the form. Next, you'll be prompted to log in to Stationers 360 and fill-out more details once you verify your account. Then, your profile will be sent for approval, which could take up to 48 hours.

Once your profile gets approved, it will be listed on Stationers 360, and other users will be able to search for it. However, each edit you make to it will require manual screening and another approval process. We do this to make sure the information importers and exporters provide on Stationers 360 are accurate.

Build a Quality Profile

Your business profile as a importer should be well-crafted and interesting to other users. More importantly, it should contain genuine information.

Business and product profiles shouldn't exceed 100 words or contain contact details for it to be approved.


As a importer on Stationers 360, you'll get a free, lifetime subscription, unlimited access to exporter connects and the opportunity to post up to 20 product requirements at a time. You can send contact requests to exporters. However, you will only be allowed to view your preferred exporter's contact details when they approve your request.

Our role ends when you find a exporter that can meet your product requirements. Thereafter, you can communicate with them through any medium.

Place Importer Requirements

You can make posts for a single product or a product group. However, each one will have to go through content approval before it is listed within 24 hours. The best results come when you list your requirements under the correct category and exclude contact details.

Each importer's requirement is ordered by posting dates; and they can be edited, deleted or extended from the dashboard. After 30 days, they will be removed and placed under 'expired posts' in your dashboard.

Browse Profiles

After placing requirements or offers, you can go through the profiles of approved importers and exporters. You can filter search results based on country, product category or offer type as a registered user.

Pick Legitimate Parties

You can start sending and receiving contact requests after browsing exporters' business and product profiles. However, you will have to be proactive in sending and receiving requests if you want to get a exporter that will meet your product requirements. Having an interesting profile and detailed requirement helps.

Each importer receives an individual dashboard on Stationers 360. It helps you manage contact requests, as well as offers and product requirements.

For Exporters


The first step, for both importers and exporters, is to sign up by filling your basic personal and company details on our website. A verification link will be sent to your email when you submit the form. Next, you'll be prompted to log in to Stationers 360 and fill-out more details once you verify your account. Then, your profile will be sent for approval. Note that this can take up to 48 hours.

Once your profile gets approved, it will be listed on Stationers 360, and other users will be able to search for it. However, each edit you make to it will require manual screening and another approval process. We do this to make sure the information importers and exporters provide on Stationers 360 are accurate.

Build a Quality Profile

Importers use business and product profiles to make decisions on Stationers 360. Therefore, you should take out time to write a short and catchy profile to get more requests from them.

As a exporter, your business profile should include your strengths, competitive advantage, environmental endeavors, social compliances, certifications, company background and presence.

On the other hand, your profile product should include keywords that importers search for. It could be written in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, or other languages.

Business and product profiles shouldn't exceed 100 words or contain contact details for it to be approved.


Exporters on Stationers 360 get to sign up for free. However, you will need to pay an affordable fee to be able to contact genuine importers or post offers. This fee depends on the subscription plan you opt for.

For example, here are a couple of things a silver-plan exporter gets:

1. The ability to send contact requests to a maximum of 20 importers. However, only the contact details of the first ten to approve will be visible to you.

2. The ability to post only five active offers at a time. A importer has leeway to decline or accept contact requests from a particular market.

A single exporter subscription is valid for a lifetime. However, you will be required to log in at least once a year to keep it active. You can find the full list of subscription plans for exporters on Stationers 360 here. Pick one today to reach more importers in the industry.

Place Exporter Offers

After importers place their requirements, exporters can start bidding with offers. On Stationers 360, you can post offers for importers as:

  • Discounts
  • Stocks
  • Surplus
  • Promotion

The option you select should be genuinely what you offer importers, else you lose ratings. One connect-credit gets reduced from your account each time you accept a request from a importer.

Vetting Process

Every post you make will go through a vetting process and approval, then it is listed within 24 hours if it passes. Your offers will be organized based on the posting date; and they can be edited, deleted or extended from your dashboard. However, after 30 days, offers will be removed and placed under 'expired posts' in your dashboard.

Pick Legitimate Parties

You can also send and receive requests as a exporter. However, the final decision on who to get in business with rests with the importer.

You will get an individual dashboard as a exporter on Stationers 360. It will help you manage offers, contact requests, and product requirements.

Want to increase your reach? Become a part of our network of importers and exporters of stationery and office supplies today.

Contact Us

Write to us on if you have suggestions, ideas, or need any clarification. We'll respond to your emails within 72 hours.